Published: Oct. 31, 2016

CSF回顾过去,展望未来(6月11- 8月). 13, 2017

Next summer, 科罗拉多莎士比亚节庆祝了它的第60个演出季,演出了开创这一切的戏剧.

In a nod to the past, CSF的2017年夏季剧目将重现观众在1958年第一季看到的剧目: The Taming of the Shrew, a laugh-out-loud audience favorite; Julius Caesar, a classic political thriller; and Hamlet, Shakespeare’s undisputed masterpiece.

这一季还包括汤姆·斯托帕德的新鲜风趣 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, which retells Hamlet from the perspective of two minor characters, 以及两场罕见的独家原创实践表演 Henry VI, Part 3. 今年夏末,CSF将第二次完成莎士比亚经典.

“这个特别的季节已经酝酿了三年,” says CSF Producing Artistic Director Timothy Orr.  “重温科罗拉多莎士比亚节的原始季节不仅是回顾莎士比亚在博尔德60年不可思议的生活的好方法, 但这也是开启下一个60年的绝佳方式.”

2017赛季将于6月11日周日开幕,一直持续到8月11日. 13. Season tickets are available beginning Oct. 31, 2016 at 10 a.m. online at,电话303-492-8008,或亲自到博尔德百老汇972号的CU Presents售票处. The box office is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 周一至周五,位于科罗拉多大学博尔德校区的大学俱乐部大楼.


  • Each cast member of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Hamlet will play the same role in both productions. 想要比较和对比两部作品的观众将有机会在同一天的室内舞台上看到两部作品.
  • Next summer’s production of Hamlet will be CSF’s ninth since 1958, 但这将是第一部在大学剧院的室内舞台上上演的作品. Says Orr, “We want to see this piece done close, in an intimate space, as the riveting chamber piece it was intended to be.”
  • Henry VI, Part 3 was last produced at CSF in 1969. After the 2017 performance, CSF将第二次完成37部莎士比亚经典作品.
  • 明年夏天,克里斯托弗·杜瓦尔和安东尼·鲍威尔将首次执导CSF. 杜瓦尔是俄勒冈州莎士比亚节16年的资深成员, an experienced fight choreographer and an assistant professor at the University of Utah; Powell, a well-known Colorado creative mind, 是博尔德舞台剧《博彩平台推荐》的艺术总监,并在丹佛表演艺术中心执导过作品.

Colorado Shakespeare Festival 2017 Season

The Taming of the Shrew
Directed by Christopher DuVal
《博彩app推荐》的第60季是以20世纪40年代摇摆不定的纽约为背景的滑稽喜剧. Enter Kate, 一位刚从二战战场上归来的勇敢飞行员, and her stubborn match, Petruchio. On the vibrant streets of Little Italy, the two duke it out in a battle of wits, dance the night away and discover, against all odds, a mutual respect that’s almost like being in love.
June 11-Aug. 13 | Tickets start at $20

Directed by Carolyn Howarth
“This above all: to thine own self be true.”
Shakespeare’s masterpiece, 通常被认为是英语中最伟大的戏剧, returns for CSF’s 60th season. 当哈姆雷特的世界被他父亲的突然去世和他母亲的仓促再婚撕裂时, 年轻的王子的思想与他的心搏斗,在一个痛苦的寻求揭开真相. 首次在亲密的大学剧院上演, this is Hamlet as you’ve never seen it before.
June 23-Aug. 13 | Tickets start at $20

Julius Caesar
Directed by Anthony Powell
What makes a true leader? 在古罗马共和国,似乎没有人知道. 罗马的领袖沉浸在胜利的喜悦中无视了一连串的恶兆, 嫉妒的批评家们密谋推翻他的政权,后来却发现他们的努力都白费了. Lies, 阴谋和丑闻在这部引人入胜的政治惊悚片中相遇,在当今两极化的时代,这似乎太熟悉了.
July 7-Aug. 12 | Tickets start at $20

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
By Tom Stoppard
Directed by Timothy Orr
在这部由《博彩平台推荐》的奥斯卡获奖编剧创作的搞笑而令人费解的喜剧中, 《博彩平台推荐》通过两个小人物的视角精彩地重述了一遍. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, 两个不知所措的同学被派去把陷入疯狂的哈姆雷特王子拉出来, grapple with fate, free will and the game of life. CSF的制作将哈姆雷特的全部演员带到舞台上,居住在斯托帕德巧妙的机智和智慧的平行宇宙中.
July 21-Aug. 13 | Tickets start at $20

Henry VI, Part 3
“Fearless minds climb soonest unto crowns.”
Summer 2017’s hottest ticket is Henry VI, Part 3, CSF广受好评的“原创实践”的最新作品在标志性的玛丽里彭户外剧院. 在莎士比亚的《博彩app推荐》编年史中,最后一部戏剧的两场演出, which also inspired the hit series Game of Thrones, CSF将第二次完成莎士比亚经典. 之前所有的“OP”节目提前几个月就售罄了——不要错过!
Aug. 6 and 8 | Tickets start at $20