By Published: Oct. 18, 2019

Greg Whiting in the lab with a student
副教授Gregory Whiting和研究助理Nikolaus Setiawan讨论电测量. Photo credit: Cameron Douglas

A student working in the lab on electronic sensors


They know how much fertilizer they spread, or how much water they used, but they don’t necessarily know how those inputs change over time and space. That information just isn’t available with current technology. 但是,如果他们有一个足够小的传感器,可以不挡道,又足够便宜,可以在季节变化时进行耕作? What if that sensor was one of hundreds spread across a field, 将信息上传到云端,以获得精确的每日甚至每小时可操作的土壤状况更新? What if the sensor was inside the plant itself?

这种跨学科的技术可以解决与食品供应和能源节约有关的大量问题. 工程与应用科学学院的工作可以通过美国农业部和国家科学基金会的几个新项目使其成为现实.

It all starts with faculty and students in the Multifunctional Materials Interdisciplinary Research Theme 去年,谁通过种子基金聚集在一起,探讨与可印刷电子相关的问题和分享想法——这是学院和校园内研究兴趣日益浓厚的力量. 

印刷电子学是大量生产电子产品的各种方法的总称, from 3D to inkjet printing. When low cost, 在计算机芯片制造中,这些打印方法比传统的方法具有优势, for example, where cleanrooms and trained workers are needed, upping costs and production time. They also allow for flexibility and customization, 这两者都是这些方法在医学和通信领域变得重要的关键原因. 

Using these relatively new methods, 像传感器这样的设备可以快速廉价地制造出来,并且很容易连接在一起, ushering in an era of connectivity today known as the internet of things. Researchers in the Multifunctional Materials Interdisciplinary Research Theme, however, 他们把这个想法带到了一个新的方向,他们称之为生物互联网.

Think of the smart thermostat in your house. 它可以通过Wi-Fi与其他设备通信,无论你身在何处,它都能对你的命令做出实时反应. Now think about having that ability housed in a plant. 你可以根据它从地下汲取的养分来获得详细的土壤读数,或者让植物在整个田地里一致释放一种化学物质,以保护自己免受天敌的侵袭. 

Associate Professor Gregory Whiting is leading the work at CU Boulder. 他说,打印处理使他的团队能够制造出与自然环境和各种需求相适应的电子产品. Fertilizer or water use, he said, is a perfect example of the ideas at play.

New and ongoing partnerships in this area
  • “SitS NSF-UKRI: Phytoelectronic Soil Sensing" – The $800,该项目由美国国家科学基金会资助,英国研究与创新中心与剑桥大学合作提供额外支持. 博彩平台推荐的调查人员是罗伯特·麦克劳德教授和格雷戈里·怀廷副教授.
  • “sit USDA_UKRI:通过新型耦合传感器和机器学习框架检测土壤退化和恢复” – The $800,000 CU funding for this project comes from the U.S. 得到了英国自然环境研究委员会的额外支持,并与英国兰开斯特大学和曼彻斯特大学合作. 博彩平台推荐的调查人员是杰森·内夫教授、埃文·托马斯副教授和怀廷教授.
  • “Precision Agriculture using Networks of Degradable Analytical Sensors (PANDAS)” – $1.该项目的600万美元资金来自美国能源部(DOE)高级研究计划局-能源(ARPA-E)。. 该项目是与科罗拉多州立大学和加州大学伯克利分校合作进行的. Whiting is the principal investigator for this project.
  • “Precision AGricultural and Ecological Sensing (PAGES)” -本项目资金来自多功能材料跨学科研究主题. CU Boulder investigators include McCleod, Whiting and Assistant Professor Tam Vu.

“If you build sensors in the conventional way to address these needs, 你可能会有成千上万的设备分布在一个可能非常昂贵的领域, 需要大量的维护,并可能产生大量的电子垃圾。. “通过使用基于材料和结构的印刷传感器,这些材料和结构可以很容易地集成到土壤或植物中, you get a more appropriate solution in equilibrium with the surrounding environment. 如果没有罗伯特·麦克劳德(Robert McLeod)实验室开发的可用于人体组织传感的有机电子产品的工作,是不可能达到这一点的.”

他是电气、计算机和能源工程系的教授, 对怀廷的想法和应用以及跨学科主题中建立的联系表示赞赏. He said he had never gone from great idea to significant funding so fast, noting that it was more than just having coffee with potential collaborators.

“这个主题使博彩平台推荐能够从整个系统层面解决这些要求,这在提案中是罕见的. 这也让博彩平台推荐能够在获得种子资金之前仔细思考这个想法,并从很多人那里获得反馈,从而真正完善它,” he said. “像我这样的材料人也很少参与到这个过程的另一端, 或者与计算机科学研究人员合作,解决从传感器上获取数据等问题. That kind of early collaboration helps the idea become really strong.”

Environmental Studies Program Professor Jason Neff 正在与麦克劳德和怀廷在这一领域合作,通过一个与开发监测土壤退化的新传感器有关的奖项. 

内夫说:“工程和材料科学的前沿方法与校园环境科学的广泛能力相结合,是博彩平台推荐的独特之处。, who is the director of the Sustainability Innovation Lab at Colorado.    

McLeod said the applications of this work could go beyond agriculture. 它也可以应用于自然生态系统或人类已经产生影响的地方.