By Published: Aug. 25, 2020

Image caption: Remnants of the Hayman Fire, which burned more than 138,000 acres near Colorado Springs in 2002.

今年夏天,科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州的大火蔓延了数百平方英里,气候变暖预计将加剧西部地区的野火活动, 居民们不禁想知道博彩平台推荐心爱的森林在几十年后会是什么样子.

A new University of Colorado Boulder-led study offers an unprecedented glimpse, 这表明当森林在南落基山脉燃烧时, 许多植物不会再长出来,而是会变成草原和灌木丛.

博彩平台推荐预计火灾后的恢复在未来将不太可能, 南落基山脉的大部分地区变得不适合两种重要树种——黄松和花旗松,” said lead author Kyle Rodman, 他在地理系读博士时进行了这项研究.

Previous CU Boulder studies have looked at individual fire sites, 包括2000年博尔德县沃克牧场大火的现场, 他们发现森林恢复得很慢,或者根本没有恢复. Even 15 years post-fire, 研究人员调查的多达80%的地块仍然没有新树.

最重要的是,博彩平台推荐可以预期,在可预见的未来,火灾将继续增加, and, at the same time, 博彩平台推荐将看到博彩平台推荐的许多土地从森林变为非森林.'

- Tom Veblen

罗德曼和他的合作者团队——包括来自美国的科学家.S. Forest Service, Northern Arizona University, 科罗拉多州立大学和北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校希望在这些研究的基础上进一步发展, projecting the future by looking at the past.To that end, 他们研究了22个被烧毁的地区,从怀俄明州南部到科罗拉多州中西部,再到新墨西哥州北部,面积为710平方英里. 研究小组将重点放在黄松和花旗松森林上, 它们占了该地区森林面积的一半左右.

“对于博彩平台推荐这些住在科罗拉多前线山脉的人来说, these are the trees that we see, live near and recreate in on a daily basis,” said Rodman.

该研究包括早在1988年就发生过火灾的地区, and land ravaged by the 2002 Hayman Fire near Colorado Springs; the 1996 Buffalo Creek Fire southwest of Denver; the 2000 Eldorado Springs and Walker Ranch fires near Boulder; and the 2002 Missionary Ridge fire outside of Durango.

Using satellite images and on-the-ground measurements, 科学家们首先重建了火灾前森林的样子. Then, by counting juvenile trees and looking at tree rings, they assessed how well the forests were recovering.

Cooler, wetter areas more resilient

Not surprisingly, those at higher-elevations with lower temperatures, and more precipitation fared better. 那些附近有更多幸存树木(它们可以通过风和水传播种子)的树木也更有可能反弹.

Meanwhile, lower-elevation forests, 比如普韦布洛南部或部分前山脉山麓地区, proved less resilient.

And compared to regions that burned in the 19th and early 20th 几个世纪以来,更近的烧伤区域未能恢复.

“这项研究和其他研究清楚地表明,在气候变暖的情况下,博彩平台推荐的森林对火灾的恢复能力显著下降, drier conditions,” said coauthor Tom Veblen, professor of geography at CU Boulder.

然后,该团队使用统计模型来预测,如果在不同的情况下,黄松和花旗松的山地森林被烧毁,未来80年可能会发生什么. In one scenario, humans do nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change escalates unchecked. 在另一种被认为是“适度排放情景”的情况下,排放量在2040年后开始下降.

'The future is not in set in stone'


By 2051, under the moderate emissions scenario, 不到18%的花旗冷杉和黄松森林如果被烧毁,可能会恢复. 在高排放情景下,这个数字下降到6.3% for Douglas fir and 3.5% percent for pine forests.

与此同时,凡勃伦指出,野火的数量和强度将继续稳步上升. 全国每年被烧毁的土地数量 already doubled since the 1990s.

“最重要的是,博彩平台推荐可以预计,在可预见的未来,火灾将继续增加, and, at the same time, 博彩平台推荐将看到博彩平台推荐的许多土地从森林变为非森林,” said Veblen.

The high park fire


Rodman, 现在是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的博士后研究员, 他希望他和他的团队创建的火灾后恢复数据库可以帮助土地管理者更好地规划在哪里投资他们的资源, or not, after a fire.

For instance, 他们最好在更有可能反弹的地区种植幼苗, 而不是将它们种植在不再适合它们生存的干燥地点.


“这是一项很难写的研究,读起来可能有点令人沮丧, but there are some positive takeaways,” he said. “如果博彩平台推荐能控制这些趋势,减少温室气体排放, the outcomes may not look so dire. The future is not written in stone.”