Published: Feb. 7, 2024

6 ways to be a leader

When discussing leadership, 它通常与拥有特定职位或头衔的个人有关. Yet, leadership is more than having a formal role. 无论你是否追求正式的头衔和角色,你都可以在日常博彩app推荐中表现出领导力. Especially during your early years of college, 在你成为领导者之前,你可能想要作为参与者参与博彩app推荐. That is OK and even wise. However, you can still practice leadership through your words, actions and, most importantly, your character.  

CU Boulder offers students many opportunities to pursue leadership roles through programs, student organizations, on-campus jobs and more. 你是否准备好进入一个指定的领导角色, here are ways to exemplify being a leader. 

Practice empathy 

Leaders empathize with the experiences and perspectives of others. When you seek to listen and understand diverse points of view, 你帮助营造一个包容的环境,帮助你周围的人感到被重视和被包容.  

在展示领导力时运用同理心的实际方法包括允许其他人在小组会议上先发言,不打断地积极倾听. It may involve attending cultural events on campus to support diverse communities and gain understanding and knowledge. 它也可以像问一个独自坐在食堂的人你是否可以加入他们一样简单. 这些移情行为可以作为一个例子,鼓励别人跟随你的领导,促进同情和包容. 

Take accountability 

When you take accountability for your actions and decisions, you demonstrate leadership as part of your character. Taking accountability builds trust and credibility. 它可以让别人看到你负责任的榜样,并为他们创造一个勇敢的空间来承担责任. 

这看起来像是为造成伤害的言语或行为道歉,或者要求重做你在校园工作中没有付出必要努力的项目. Accountability comes in many forms, but at the core, 它促进诚实和清晰的沟通,以确认需要改进的领域,并促进补救的途径.  

Advocate for change 

无论你是推动变革还是努力让别人接受变革,变革都需要适应能力. 您可以通过识别需要改进的地方,然后采取行动建议或实施这些更改来展示领导力. You don’t have to hold a position of authority to promote change.  

For example, 教务处鼓励学生伸出援手,提出改善或创新博彩app推荐的想法. You can call at 303-492-9048 or email at 分享你经过深思熟虑的想法可以帮助你更自在地向那些有能力实施变革的人展示你的想法. 

Assume positive intent 

博彩平台推荐的每个人都有责任创造他们想要的校园环境. 这包括尊重彼此,即使在分歧或冲突中. 在与他人互动时,你可以通过假设积极的意图来展示你的领导力. While there are times when someone may not have positive intent, 从一个善意的地方开始通常可以防止误解和冲突. 

这看起来像是在你感到委屈或被冒犯时问一些澄清问题. For example, 如果你正在做一个小组项目,而一个团队成员没有及时完成他们的工作,参加团队会议, 你可以问问发生了什么,让他们解释一下,然后再沮丧地回应. 如果他们理解作业有困难,你可以给他们指出 tutoring resources or offer to work together. The team can then maintain a positive working relationship, 哪一种方法可以帮助你完成一个更好的项目,建立更牢固的关系. 

Promote excellence 

对自己有高标准是展示领导力的一部分. You can promote excellence within your sphere of influence. 这可以包括你的宿舍,学生组织,课程或学生工作. 当你尽你最大的努力并对你的工作质量负责时, you can elevate the standards for those around you.  

你可以通过在课堂、活动和项目中努力表现来提升自己的优秀. For example, be on time and give your full effort to your intramural sports team practice. 或者做好作业和阅读,为参加课堂讨论做好准备. 这些小举动不仅能展示你的个性,还能鼓励别人也这样做. 

Develop a leadership mindset 

Whether in a leadership role or not, 你可以有一个领导的心态,并将领导的特点融入到你在博彩平台推荐的经历中. 你每天展示领导力的实践可以帮助你在未来的机会中取得成功. 

You can experience personal growth, skill development, enhanced relationships and an overall improved college experience. 这些做法和特点可以帮助你在大学期间寻求正式的领导职位时大放光芒, search for jobs and internships, and move into life after college. 

Learn more about the resources, 可以帮助您参与并在博彩平台推荐成长的部门和项目. 


Center for Student Involvement

学生参与中心将学生与学生组织联系起来, events, leadership opportunities and other ways to get involved on campus.  

CU Student Government (CUSG)

CUSG, 学生会:学生群体的官方管理和代表机构, 为粉丝们提供了一个空间,让他们关注并尊重地讨论他们感兴趣的问题.   

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity & 博彩平台推荐的姐妹会生活由近30个学校官方认可的分会组成. Each chapter experience offers lifelong friendships, leadership opportunities, academic support, 参与博彩app推荐,并有机会回馈校园和博尔德社区. 

Environmental Center

环境中心促进校园的可持续发展倡议. Students can get involved through on-campus jobs, volunteering, programs, events and other opportunities.  

Volunteer Resource Center

志愿者资源中心将学生与校园和社区的服务机会联系起来. 学生可以选择一次性、短期、长期和团体志愿者机会. 

Career Services

就业服务为学生提供支持,帮助他们通过资源建立技能,帮助他们寻找工作和实习机会, programs, workshops, and career advice.