发表: 2月. 22, 2024


Last week, CU Boulder Recreation Services and Athletics hosted their seventh annual 包容性体育峰会, and this year’s theme was “Unity: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges through Sports and Recreation.” Speakers ranging from recreational therapists to student athletes and everything in between, 分享他们对促进赋权的见解, 包容, 影响, 体育文化的多样性和增长.

实施和维护多样性, 股本, and 包容 (DEI) initiatives is not a short-term project. 詹妮弗•威廉姆斯, keynote speaker and chief development officer of the USA Basketball Foundation, emphasized that any DEI journey is one of both challenge and reward, 看到成功的关键是真实.

与会者的反应, 当被问及真实对他们意味着什么时, made it apparent that authenticity translates to many things for many people. But one definition the audience agreed on was transparency, and the overarching goal is to be brave enough to show other people you’re capable of critiquing and empowering yourself.


在她的演讲中, Williams stressed the importance of acknowledging the value in everyone’s experiences, 包括你的同事和你自己.

“Respect and appreciate the diversity of your peers’ backgrounds, 经验和观点,威廉姆斯说. “The magic truly happens when you have diversity in thought around the table.” 

一些学生, 比如2月ien Teklu, felt as though they were already finding seats at the table simply by attending the conference.

“我觉得这次会议更具互动性, 当(威廉姆斯)说话的时候, I felt like I had a reason to put input in rather than feeling like, “哦,你是领导者,我就退到后面去听,’”特克鲁说. “非常感人,每个人, 即使博彩平台推荐还是大学生, treated us like we have the same amount of input as the next person, 我觉得很有力量.”

Teklu是 多元文化领导学者路径计划(MLS). 作为科罗拉多大学博尔德教育学院的一部分, MLS supports the development of leaders from diverse backgrounds through coursework, 服务与社会化.

The program requires 学生 to complete a capstone project, 和Teklu, 以及大联盟的其他成员, were excited to learn that the summit topics aligned with their current project.

“We’re doing our capstone project on minorities in sports, both as a culture and as a business and the capitalism behind that,索菲亚·布鲁尔说. “We saw the poster for this and thought it would be really interesting to come to…and get to hear from people who work within that industry and deal with those problems every day.”


“这是博彩平台推荐实现领导力顶峰的关键部分, 接触有色人种是很有帮助的, collaborate with the community and involve ourselves with people who have a lot of knowledge,西尔说。. “我总是想提升自己,建立人脉.”


除了提供师资, 工作人员, 学生, professionals and community members an opportunity to network, the summit gave attendees the chance to participate in hands-on learning as well.

克雷格医院代表, 艾米丽·奥尔德里奇和梅根·弗里斯科, presented on the importance of providing access to recreation after a spinal cord or brain injury, 特别是通过自适应设备.

参与者可以使用这些设备, gaining a better understanding of how it works and the specific functions. The first-hand experience provided a more in-depth education about some of the barriers, benefits and safety aspects of adaptive recreational equipment.

一个由Dr. 艾琳·帕契特, whose earlier presentation touched on removing biases from DEI and social-justice-based work, addressed ways to deconstruct the narrative that adaptive sports are inspiring.

“I feel like I’ve been exposed sometimes in sports and recreation to a narrative that folks are really inspired by people with disabilities doing sports, and I think that framing is often from the expectation that they’re not capable,” Dr. 帕契特说.

Aldridge recommended being upfront and acknowledging that for most people, adaptive recreation is an entirely new sport—it will be difficult at first. But most importantly she emphasized bringing humanity into the framing.

“In those moments you don’t have to consider the inspiring nature of it all…they’re just learning a sport the way any other able-bodied student on campus would be,奥尔德里奇说. “We’re not telling people picking up a frisbee for the first time they’re inspiring either.”

The term “sports culture” encompasses the values and practices associated with sports or physical activity. To understand the 影响 of this year’s inclusive sports summit, 认识到种族等问题, 性别, 性取向, ability and class have always and will continue to heavily influence that culture.

While the issues alone carry significant weight and importance, 看看从哪里开始DEI的努力, it does not take initiating a phenomenon as big as the Super Bowl to make an 影响. 像便利这样简单的事情, joining or inviting someone else to join the conversation can create a monumental shift.


中大共融康乐 创建一个安全, 乐于助人的, welcoming and open environment while providing accessible and respectful opportunities for all. All Inclusive Rec activities are free to the CU community.

自适应运动 supports CU Boulder 学生 with physical disabilities by offering sports and other recreational activities for all levels. We encourage 学生 to try something new, have fun and participate in competition.

康乐设施 include all-性别 locker rooms and ADA equipment such as Cybex Total Access equipment, 泰诺健手臂测力计, 冰雪橇, 冰上步行者和滑雪者.