这份清单是用来作为从大学目录和研究生课程中获得的信息的补充, 并作为满足研究生院博士学位要求的辅助手段. 研究生课程应咨询具体的额外要求.

Pre-Candidacy (Early and mid-way through your degree program)

申请表上列出的所有课程必须由研究生教师教授, must have grades of B- or better, and must be at the 5000 level or above. For policies concerning academic probation, refer to the graduate school rules in the University Catalog.

所有5000或以上的课程必须由获得研究生任命的教师授课. 大学教员的成员资格并不自动构成对研究生教员的任命. 有关这些预约的问题,请联系您所在部门的研究生项目助理.

After completion of one semester (or six credit hours) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, submit a transfer of credit request if applicable. 转学分是指在另一个认可机构获得的学分, credits earned at another campus of the CU system, or credits earned as a non-degree student within the CU system. Work with your program to complete a Request for Transfer of Credit form. 每个研究生课程都将审查课程内容,并且可能有高于以下列出的要求.

Transfer of credit minimum requirements:

  • The transfer of credit limit is 21 credits for doctoral degrees.
  • 课程必须在成绩为B或以上的认可机构学习. 
  • 在转学时已有五年或五年以上的转学作品,必须由专业部门评估其当前的相关性和对学位要求的适用性. 
  • Courses may not have been used toward a bachelor's degree, toward another degree of the same level, or from a doctoral degree to a subsequent master's degree. See the back of the form for further transfer of credit rules.

 If your graduate program requires one of these examinations, work closely with them to determine the timeline and process to complete it.

综合考试必须至少提前两周与研究生院安排,并提交从您的部门获得的博士考试报告表. 该表格必须列出至少5名委员会成员,他们将由研究生院批准. 委员会主席必须有一个定期或终身任命. The other four members must have either a regular or special appointment. 学生必须在考试举行的那个学期在博尔德校区注册为普通学位学生. 要通过考试,学生必须得到委员会多数成员的赞成. 大学教员的成员资格并不自动构成对研究生教员的任命. 有关这些预约的问题,请联系您所在部门的研究生项目助理.

​Students must submit to the Graduate School a Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree within two weeks of passing the comprehensive examination. 申请遵循一个工作流程,必须得到学术部门的批准,然后才能进入研究生院.

Post-Comprehensive and Doctoral Candidacy

A minimum of 30 dissertation hours are required for the PhD. Up to 10 credit hours may be taken in any given semester.

博士研究生综合考试合格后,每年秋季学期和春季学期需连续注册,直至论文答辩学期. 注册要求为全日制(5小时论文)或兼职(3小时论文). The semester of the defense full-time registration is required.

DMA连续注册要求是在期末考试完成的学期内注册课程编号为8200-8399或TMUS 8029的论文学分. 澳大利亚学生应注册适当的课程/实习学分,并在期末考试期间要求全日制注册.

综合考试合格后未按规定学时连续报名的,可以重新参加考试并通过. If you have questions or concerns, check in with your graduate program.

Semester of Degree Award- PhD Students

Apply to graduate in Buff Portal by posted deadline for the semester.博士生必须输入他们的论文标题作为在线毕业申请的一部分. This title will appear in the commencement program and on your transcript. 您可以通过您的门户网站更新标题,直到取消/更新的截止日期.

Submit Doctoral Final Exam at least 2 weeks prior to exam date. Ensure that you are registered full-time during the semester of the exam.

PhD students must submit their dissertation electronically, along with the Thesis Approval Form (TAF),在研究生院的截止日期之前,以便在任何给定的学期毕业. Students should submit the thesis electronically and must have an approved submission by 5 p.m. on the deadline day. TAF必须与论文一起作为补充文件提交. Formatting specifications for the dissertation can be found on our Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission page. 研究生院建议在提交最终版本之前对你的格式进行预先检查. You can request that by e-mailing a pdf of your dissertation to gradinfo@doorbaby.com.

确保你的课程在截止日期前提交了未完成成绩和论文时数 posted deadline for the semester.

Update diploma name and address and review information for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.

Semester of Degree Award- DMA and AUD Students

Apply to graduate in Buff Portal by posted deadline for the semester.博士生必须输入他们的论文标题作为在线毕业申请的一部分. This title will appear in the commencement program and on your transcript. 您可以通过您的门户网站更新标题,直到取消/更新的截止日期.

Submit Doctoral Final Exam at least 2 weeks prior to exam date. Ensure that you are registered full-time during the semester of the exam.

确保你的课程在截止日期前提交了未完成成绩和论文时数 posted deadline for the semester.

Update diploma name and address and review information for commencement celebrations, transcripts, and diplomas.

Additional Information

学生必须在博士课程开始工作的六年内完成学位的所有要求. 希望申请额外时间的学生必须向研究生院院长提出申请,并获得其指导教师的认可. 完成要求包括论文答辩和提交研究生院. 任何学期的休假都包括在完成学位的时间限制内.

需要离校1-2个学期的研究生可以参加休学计划(详细信息请咨询注册办公室)。. 博士研究生综合考试合格者,因连续入学规定,一般不允许请假. Parental leave is an exception. 如因情有可原的情况而要求任何其他例外,应向研究生院院长提交请愿书. 一学期未注册或未申请休学的学生将被自动退学,需要重新申请入学. 永久退学的学生必须向注册办公室正式提出申请.

如果您是国际学生,并计划参加休假或退学, please see an advisor at International Student and Scholar Services.