Student Travel & Research Awards

鼓励学生参与跨学科的学习和研究, 研究所提供经费,供参加和出席跨学科会议或进行原创性研究. The awards are administered by a student committee.

Students in any member department may apply for funds. 无论学生是否出席或只是参加跨学科会议,都可以申请旅费. These guidelines detail the requirements for, limitations in, and process for student travel and research funding.

***对接受任何形式经济援助的学生的警告:这些资金由大学作为奖学金基金处理, 如果你正在接受其他援助,就有可能减少其他援助.  请咨询你的财务援助官员,看看这将如何在你的情况下处理.


  • 学生应积极参加证书课程(必须参加课程/取得适当进展), not just enrolled), OR should have already received the certificate.
  • 学生必须完成ICS课程:认知科学的问题和方法.
  • 学生应该探索所有其他可能从研究生院获得的资金来源, his/her home department, and/or research grants BEFORE approaching the ICS awards committee.
  • The student should apply for funds BEFORE conference.
    • 如果学生在上一个资助截止日期之后但在下一个资助周期之前发现或决定参加会议,则可以例外, or if there are other extenuating timing issues. Such requests for an exception must be explained in the application.
  • Conferences must either be interdisciplinary, or if in the student’s major discipline, the work being presented must be interdisciplinary.
    • If the student is only attending and not presenting, 会议必须是跨学科的,或者不属于学生的主要学科(例如, a computer science student attending a linguistics conference).
  • 完成跨学科研究项目所需的旅行将由委员会酌情考虑资助.
  • Cognitive Science Society Conference
  • Human-Computer interaction Conference
  • Artificial Intelligence Conference
  • American Educational Research Association
  • Computer Support for Collaborative Learning
  • ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics Conference
  • Coling: International Committee on Computational Linguistics Conference
  • HLT: Human Language Technology Conference
  • EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
  • 学生应积极参加证书课程(必须参加课程/取得适当进展), not just enrolled), OR should have already received the certificate.
  • 学生必须完成ICS课程:认知科学的问题和方法.
  • 学生应该探索所有其他可能从研究生院获得的资金来源, his/her home department, and/or research grants BEFORE approaching the ICS awards committee.
  • 学生可以申请资助去年已经花费的研究费用. Research must be interdisciplinary in nature.
 Call for ApplicationsDeadlineNotification
FallMid September3 weeks later3 weeks after deadline
SpringMid January3 weeks later3 weeks after deadline
SummerMid May3 weeks later3 weeks after deadline
  • The committee will meet as soon as possible after the deadline. 会议结束后,决定将通过电子邮件发送给所有宣布获奖的ICS成员.
  • 一旦你收到收到奖励的通知,请联系ICS办公室了解如何进行的细节.
  • If a student is not awarded money for any reason, 该学生将收到一封电子邮件,只解释他/她没有获得奖励的原因.
  • Email will be sent to ICS administration with names and amounts awarded.
  • Awardees have up to one year from the award date to turn in receipts (and meet any other requirements) to receive funding.
    • If applying for retroactive funding for research materials, receipts should be turned in within one month of the award.
Award TypeConditionMaximum Amount
TravelMax per award$1000
TravelPresent at a conference$500
TravelAttending approved conference
(no presentation)
TravelMax lifetime$5000
ResearchMax per award$800
ResearchMax lifetime$4000
  • 学生在一年内申请任何一种助学金的次数没有限制, 但如果学生已经用完(实际收到)一年内的最高限额(如果他们提前申请),则不应申请, but then didn’t use it for whatever reason, the student is encouraged to apply again).

奖学金由学生旅游及研究奖励委员会管理,委员会由各成员院系一名代表组成. 每个系选择自己的方法来选择学生代表. 该委员会负责每学期宣布奖项并分配可用资金.

  • 资助委员会将努力在指导方针和预算的范围内资助尽可能多的学生.
  • 首先,应用程序必须满足相应页面上列出的所有标准 .
  • If requests for funding exceed the amount budgeted, however, 委员会将根据以下偏好对申请进行排名:

Travel Award

  • 比起那些只是参加会议的学生,更倾向于实际发表演讲或海报的学生
  • if just attending a conference, preference to interdisciplinary conferences, or a conference in a field other than the student’s, 高于学生本专业的学生(前提是该学生的出勤率仍然是跨学科的)
  • 优先考虑当年首次申请的申请人,而不是当年已经获得资助的申请人
  • 优先考虑首次申请的申请人,而不是过去几年收到过资助的申请人

Research Award

  • 优先考虑首次申请的申请人,而不是过去几年收到过资助的申请人
  • doctoral before master’s before non-degree related

所有获奖者在春季的ICS周五研讨会上展示了他们的资助工作. These times will be announced via email by the ICS directors. 获奖者应该意识到他们有义务注册一段时间来展示和观看这些公告.

  • 为去年在会议上展示海报的所有人举办的海报会议, 包括在前一年夏季(甚至春季)颁发的资金,如果会议是在前一次ICS获奖者海报会议之后.
  • 一个或多个周五下午的ICS会议将保留给那些做过演讲的人来做演讲或做一些更新的事情.g., 15 or 20 minutes apiece, just as at a conference)
  • 那些获得研究基金的人也应该准备一个简短的演讲或海报(或在其他会议上使用,不是由这个特定的ICS奖特别资助的),讨论用基金完成的研究.
  • 鼓励学生向他人提供任何可重复使用的研究材料, such as pictures, sound recordings, etc.  与ICS办公室联系,了解当前可用的材料.

ICS学生可以通过任何委员会成员申请ICS学生旅游和研究奖, the ICS office, or the links below.

申请时,请将所有申请材料的电子副本作为电子邮件附件提交至: In your email submission please use the following in the subject line:  [Your Name] ICS Grant Application.